New nesting boxes for native Rifleman birds at Hereweka Accommodation
This weekend Peter , a friend and Marcia from Otago Peninsula Bio-diversity group put up 15 new nesting boxes for the rare native rifleman or titipounamu.
The rifleman is the smallest native bird and is endemic to New Zealand.
We are lucky at Hereweka to have them nesting on our property.
To encourage their breeding we put up nesting boxes throughout the property.
They particularly love native kanuka forest.
We have stands of kanuka close to our Retreat Accommodation.
Guests are thrilled when they see the rifleman bird flit around the Retreat.
Outsiide Hereweka accommodation we have a huge pot of water for the birds to drink from. Not only visited by rifleman but many other native bird species.
While walking around Hereweka installing the nesting boxes our friend took a beautiful photo of the view from the top of our property.